SuperBand: The Tour

4.1 ( 941 ratings )
Underhållning Böcker
Utvecklare: Puomo Digital Publishing & Marketing, LLC
7.99 USD



2010年巡迴結束之後,「縱貫線」除了留下令樂迷回味再三的演出之外,還有一本名為「The Tour:縱貫線SuperBand經典旅程」的紀念圖文集;本書包含作者鄭繼文在隨行「縱貫線」巡迴期間記錄的文章、以及拍攝的幕前幕後照片,堪稱演唱會現場實況錄影之外最詳盡的記錄,但更包含了許多即使在現場也看不到的幕後花絮與甘苦。

現在,由潑墨書房全新製作的iPad版「The Tour:縱貫線SuperBand經典旅程」增加了原書所沒有的現場影音與歌曲MV,內容份量更是免費版的10倍以上;將為您帶來不同於原書質感、更加如臨現場的閱讀體驗。如果您是「縱貫線」四位歌手的支持者,無論紙本或iPad版,都是您絕對不能錯過的珍貴典藏。

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An extraordinary combination: Jonathan Lee, Wakin Chau, A-Yue Chang and Tayu Lo, the four men, each led their own time and moved hearts in the Chinese-speaking world, formed surprisingly in 2009; “The SuperBand” toured in Taiwan, China, Southeast Asia and the United States, attracting over a million fans in concerts.

At completion of the tour in 2010, the SuperBand not only wowed the audience with exciting music and stage performance, but also compiled a book documenting the entire tour with photos and stories. Written by Amber Cheng, music video director who participated in all SuperBand activities, “The Tour: Music Journey of the SuperBand” has many behind-the-scene factoids and backstage photos unseen by concert audience; this is a must-have to every fan of the four legendary artists.

Recreated by, the book is now in iPad format with added live videos and music not found in the original book for your immersive enjoyment and reading experience. If you like the SuperBand, this digital edition will complement your music collection.

Text in Traditional Chinese only.